Selasa, 14 Februari 2017


Singamangaraja is one of the Indonesian freedom fighters. If in the reading of his biography, most of his life dedicated to the Singamangaraja against the Dutch colonialists. Singamangaraja actually is a title pinned to her when inducted into the King. His real name is Patuan Bosar Ompu Boru. He is well known hard against the Dutch, it is visible from some of the fierce battle he would ever face. Until finally, in one battle, Singamangaraja died as a hero of the nation. Share biography this time, will tell the life history of Singamangaraja, happy reading. Biodata SISINGAMANGARAJA XII Born: Bakkara, Tapanuli, February 18, 1845 Died: Simsim, June 17, 1907 Tomb: Palau Samosir Children: Lopian, Patuan Anggi, Patuan Nagari Spouse / Wife: Boru Simanjuntak, Boru Situmorang, Boru Sagala, Boru Nadeak, Boru Siregar Awards: National Independence Hero (Presidential Decree No. 590/1961) Biography SISINGAMANGARAJA XII SISINGAMANGARAJA XII in his biography, was born with the name Patuan Bosar Ompu Boru Situmorang. In 1867, his father died of cholera. Later, he was appointed to replace his father as king with the title SISINGAMANGARAJA XII. At the beginning of his reign, Christianity development activities led by Nommensen of Germany is underway in Tapanuli. Dutch go in to hide behind these activities. However, gradually the Dutch began to show bad faith and intends to dominate the territory SISINGAMANGARAJA XII. SISINGAMANGARAJA XII then held a consultation with the kings and area commanders Humbang, Toba Samosir, and Pakpak. Then, the tension between the Netherlands and Singamangaraja rise to conflict. Efforts way of peace can no longer be reached. On February 19, 1878, together with the people Tapanuli SISINGAMANGARAJA XII began to launch attacks against Dutch troops heading in Bahal Batu, near Tarutung. Battle unbalanced makes Singamangaraja and his army defeated and forced to withdraw from Bahal Batu. However, resistance Singamangaraja troops remains high, especially in villages that have not been subject to the Netherlands, as Butar, Lobu Siregar, Household Help, and Balige. By contrast, the Netherlands intensified pursuit SISINGAMANGARAJA XII to the villages and burning as well as the charming village of kings. As a result, the fighting spread to several areas such as Sipintu-door, Tangga Batu, Balige, and Bakkara. However, Singamangaraja still persistent guerrilla war. In May 1883, the Dutch postal Uluan and Balige again attacked by Singamangaraja. A year later (1884), the Dutch forces in Tangga Batu successfully disabled. Dutch efforts Singamangaraja approach and offer coronation as Emperor Batak with various privileges. However, he rejected it sternly. In 1904, the Dutch tight encirclement. In 1907 Singamangaraja escaped. However, strong efforts to fruition with the Dutch finally know the hiding places in the forest Singamangaraja Simsim. June 17, 1907, the headquarters was surrounded Singamangaraja Netherlands. In a close combat, the commander of Dutch forces again asked him to give up and promised to enthrone Singamangaraja be Sultan Batak. However, Singamangaraja still would not bow down and choose rather die. Terjadilan fierce fighting that killed nearly the entire family and the army. Finally, Patuan Bosar Ompu Pulo alias Raja SISINGAMANGARAJA XII with two sons and one daughter, and some commanders who came from Aceh fall as kusuma nation.

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