Senin, 13 Februari 2017

The wealth of attractions in North Sumatra does not stop at the baths waterfalls, lakes, mountains or the beach. But also the cultural attractions of the population is somewhat unique from modern habits of the majority population or up to date.

As well as the appeal of North Sumatra. There are some villages are still 'virgin' to maintain the tradition of making this place into a tourist attraction. This is a village in North Sumatra that is well worth a visit, if you are interested in cultural tourism.

Ambarita village on the island of Samosir become a historical sights that must be visited because it is rich in historical heritage in the leadership of King Sidabutar, a character who is believed to be the first human to set foot on the island.

There, tourists can see from near the tomb of King Sidabutar, 450-year-old ruler island. And traditional Batak house which is still preserved today.

Not far from Tuktuk, tourists also can see the cultural wealth of society Huta Siallagan pretty legendary, namely Batu Raja Seat Siallagan "Stone Chair Of King Siallagan". Travelers will see the rocks formed and became the seat of the king, chair trial and execution in stone Siallagan royal era.

Entering the gate that reads Huta Siallagan, tourists are greeted like to down anything that become the cultural wealth of the clan Siallagan

This village was built during the first monarch, King Laga huta Siallagan. Then passed on to the King Hendrik Siallagan and so on until a descendant of King Ompu Stone Ginjang Siallagan. Huta Siallagan inhabited since ancient clan Siallagan, until now still inhabited by descendants of the clan also Siallagan.

The atmosphere is different when visiting Lake Toba and Samosir Island, North Sumatra, is a sight perkampungannya are still attached to the culture. Especially on the cemetery magnificent buildings and big as mansions or monument.

It was a sight that would often be seen as the Batak honor their ancestors by building a monument or monument of Lelurnya (the forerunner of the large family clan). There is also a high concrete grave and shaped Batak house.

Sidabutar King of Samosir Island Sisingamangaraja King of Samosir Island

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